Hello there - It's been a little while since I last posted on this, I first started this blog back in 2012 when blogging was still a fairly unknown thing, it originally started as a nail art blog then as my love of all things beauty kicked in, it eventually became more of a skincare and makeup blog, essentially I just wanted a little corner of the internet where I could feed my passion of writing and share my love of beauty. Work and life took ended up taking over a few years back and this little blog got forgotten about. My passion for writing and blogging is still there and whilst you will definitely still see makeup and skincare posts occasionally, I want to introduce other elements such as book reviews, reading is my other big passion, baking and recipes, life updates etc - to be honest, anything I fancy writing about, so I've relaunched the blog under the new name Wolf and Maine because OCBeauty felt like it was just too focused on the beauty element, there's not much meaning behind the name other than I like it!
I'm looking forward to welcoming old and new readers back - I hope you like the new layout and if you have any things you'd like to see on here, please let me know.
Soph xx
Soph xx
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